Friday, January 2, 2009

The Story of the Lamb of God Shrine (2007)

I was meditating in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament when I felt my heart burning on fire and an urge to go up to the Mountain of the Cross to find a place for prayer in nature.  I was looking for a place similar to the cave where Jesus the Savior was born, where I could gather many people, bringing with me a cow, a donkey and two sheep.  There I would place the Blessed Sacrament in a crib and hold the most beautiful spiritual evening in nature.

So I went to the summit of the mountain and there I stood at the foot of the huge cross and I said to myself, “Oh, If only I could set up a tent in which I could gather believers at Christmas, 2007.”  But the land did not belong to my community.   I asked the owners, who replied, "We'll think about the matter."  I immediately thought that I should forget about it.

On the second of January 2007, I went to the municipality and asked what land Saydet el Talley (Our Lady of the Hill) owned.  When I received the maps of the real estate of Saydet el Talley, I discovered something wonderful - the presbytery of Saydet el Talley owns two properties on the Mount of the Cross.   I was overwhelmed with joy.   I ran with Mr. George Bou Nassif to examine the two properties.  We entered a forest full of thorns and broom where the vision became clearer - stations on a pathway, similar to the Stations of the Cross, leading to the cave.  But, where was the cave?

On the ninth of January 2007, I asked Mr. George Bou Nassif and the engineer, Abdo Boueiz, to penetrate deeply in the property and to specify the location of the cave.  We each went in a different direction and I went up a small hill full of thorns.  There I discovered a big natural rock hidden behind thorny bushes, and I immediately knew that this was the place.  I called my friends over.  They agreed that this was, indeed, the place.

We brought a JCB drill, which we used to clear away the thorny bushes.  We exposed a big, spacious yard.

News reached the high authorities of my order, who wondered what I was doing on that mountain.  They sent a priest from the friary to question me.  I told him of my inner desire to build a cave to gather people at Christmas time to worship the Blessed Sacrament. 

He replied, "This is a huge project. It will cost you more than $50.000."

I said, "Please just give me your blessing and let me work."

He said: "It is forbidden to take money from the order, or from your own allowance. We cannot undertake such a project.  It is also forbidden to work on credit, nor is publicity allowed to solicit funds."

I replied: "It's alright.  I won't use the money of the order and I will not work on credit.  I won't do any soliciting.  I will trust the Virgin to provide for this project. Everything she sends to this place, I will use here.  And if the Virgin sends me nothing, I will not do anything."

He agreed to let me work quietly.

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