Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Building of the Lamb of God Shrine

The Virgin sent me assistance from everywhere.  Consequently, the stations of the Way of the Life to the Full were built in addition to the Lamb of God chapel and the shrine of the Virgin.

God bless everyone who contributed and worked hard in this project from contributors and volunteers to supporters.  I appreciate their tireless love. Almost every person who gave and presented something from his heart, came back to tell me about great blessings he received from God.  On the contrary, everyone who presented something because he had a personal purpose or aim, the Virgin turned him away with his gift.  There is not enough space for me to relay all the stories.  They are too numerous to write.

I tried to ask for financial aid from some people, and I heard a lot of promises that turned out empty because Our Lady did not want me to ask for money.  She only wanted me to pray and talk about God's great miracles and deeds.  I had to rely on God who moved the hearts of many people and encouraged them to help.  This is how I got the assistance I needed from many different places and from people whom I did not expect to receive help.

On June 27, 2007, the Order officially approved the project and named it “The Lamb of God Shrine,” a name declared by the religious authority, but always in my heart.

On the 18th of August, 2007, I had the written permission from the Maronite Diocese of Sidon to build the shrine. 

On September 12, 2007, we had a procession on the Way of the Life to the Full.  The Reverend Bishop Elias Nassar consecrated the Lamb of God chapel.  More than 500 people were in attendance at the inauguration.

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