Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ahmad Preaching to his Children

Ahmad left Deir-El-Kamar with his life upside down. He stopped eating, drinking and socializing with people. All the beliefs that he had built his life on began to be shaken.  He started reading the bible.  One of his friends noticed this and was upset with him.  He attacked Ahmad and hit him with a knife.  Ahmad went to see the doctor who told him, “The Lord has saved you; one more millimeter and your hand would have been paralyzed.”  Ahmad forgave the attacker.  He called me before traveling back home and told me what had happened to him.  I cautioned him to be careful.

Ahmad answered me, “I am ready to die for the sake of the Lord.”

I told him, “No, the Lord has chosen you for a great mission.  Just be careful.”
He agreed to be more cautious.

Ahmad returned to his country, he gathered his eight children and said to them, “I want to tell you a story.  Have you ever heard anything about Jesus?”

They said, “No, who is Jesus?”

He said, “His name is Issa in the Koran.”

They replied, “Yes, Issa is a prophet.”

Ahmad told them, “No, Jesus is the Son of God.  He came to the world.  He suffered, He was crucified and He died, and on the third day He was resurrected.  He gave us His body and His blood. He did all this to forgive our sins and to give us eternal life.”

His elder son interrupted him, “May God pardon us, father.  The Christ wasn’t crucified.”

Ahmad screamed and said, “Mohammad, this is the truth, Mohammad.  This is the truth. Tomorrow you will not go to school. You will stay at home.   I want to bring a movie about Jesus for you to watch.”

The next morning, Ahmad went to the nearest Christian village and entered a video store, he asked for all the movies about Jesus.  The Christian owner of the shop was surprised and said, “I’ve been here for forty years and I have never heard anyone who is not Christian call Jesus the Lord.  Even I only say it once a week, on Sunday.”

Ahmad answered him, “You say it once a week because you are drowning in
materialism.  You must say it every day.”

Ahmad took the movie about Jesus of Nazareth and he watched it with his
children who believed.  They were upset because this truth had been hidden from   
them.  When the movie was over, Ahmad called me and said, “My children want to
talk to you.”

I was surprised. The children started talking to me and telling me of their love for me.
I asked Ahmad what he had told his children.

He said, “I’ll tell you later.  I won’t talk to you about that on the phone.”

I asked him when he would come back to Lebanon.  He replied that he had no money, so he would not be able to come yet.  I told him not to worry; that the Lord would arrange and manage his things.

The very next day, an old friend of Ahmad visited him and left some money in the pocket of Ahmad’s son. When Ahmad discovered the money, he took it in his hands, he gathered his children and said, “Did you see the divine providence?   Did you see the Lord Jesus?”

Then, instead of turning towards their holy, sacred city, he turned towards Deir-El-Kamar, knelt and thanked God.

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