Monday, January 5, 2009

The Power of the Confession

The next day, I took Ahmad from his apartment to the project and he was very quiet.  He came to me and said, "Two hours have gone by and I am hesitant.  Shall I talk to you or not?"

"What's the problem Ahmad?" I said.

He answered.  "Yesterday, after you left me, a person came to me in my dream. He was illuminating."

I asked whom this person was, to which he replied, “I don't know.  I couldn't look at his face because of the bright light.  But, I saw his sandals.  They were honey-colored and they had a ribbon. The minute he put his leg on my bed, he kicked me."

 I said, "He kicked you?  Was it a nightmare?"

"No," he answered, "It was the most beautiful night I have ever had in my life.  There was great peace. His voice was like thunder, like an echo, like a light murmuring sound."

I understood immediately that these expressions are biblical: the thunder, the echo, and the light murmuring sound.  This is how the prophets experienced the presence of God.  I understood that the Lord Jesus talked to him in his dream.  But, I didn't tell him so.  I asked him, "What did he tell you?"

He replied, "He asked a question.  ‘Why did you open your heart?’ and I answered him, ‘Because I felt at ease with him.’  He said, ‘Don't tell anybody the sins you mentioned.  Stay with him and do whatever he tells you. And don't argue him.’"

I had tears in my eyes when I heard this man's experience.  I then invited him to an evangelical evening that was planned that evening in Deir-El-Kamar.  He answered that he would come.

So he went with the apostolic team to the evangelical evening and he argued with them, asking, "Why do you talk more about Jesus than you do about God?"

I said, "Ahmad, do not argue.  Take the bible and God will answer you."

Ahmad took the bible and he opened it.  It was John 1:1,

        ”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was

I explained that it means that Jesus is God.  He was greatly shocked, and then he said, “From now on, I want to make Jesus the Christ the priority in my life."

Evening came, and morning followed--the second day.

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