Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Spiritual Program on the Mount of the Cross

The spiritual program on the Mount of the Cross:

9:30 am: The Way of the Life to the Full
             (The encounter with the Lord Jesus through the Holy Scriptures).

10:30 am: Visiting the Lamb of God Shrine.
                Confessions in the Lamb of God Grotto.
             (The encounter with the Lord Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation).

11:30 am: Visiting Fr. Yacoub's Church. Holy Mass.
             (The encounter with the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist).

12:30 pm: Visiting the Cross built by Fr. Yacoub.

1:00 pm: Lunch

If you want to organize a pilgrimage trip to the Mount of the Cross in Deir-El-Kamar and you want to follow the above spiritual program, please call Father Antonio Elfeghali on the following number: 03/413476.

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