Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Statue

In 2003 a group of people from Deir-El-Kamar went for a visit to Medugorje and there, two young women bought a statue for Our Lady the Virgin, known as "the white statue" or "Statue Blanche."

Despite many obstacles, they managed to pass it through the airport and they brought it to Lebanon. Since then, they tried desperately to find a place for the statue but their attempt was in vain; they couldn't find a place for it.  One of the Mariamite friars told them, "Don't worry. The Virgin came to Lebanon on her own and she'll find her place at the right time."

The statue remained in the box for four years until one of the young women heard about the project. She called me and said, "We want to present you with the statue of the Virgin for the project."  After four years, we took the statue out of its box and on the 14th of August 2007, we brought it to the location of the shrine where we put it in the place which the Virgin has chosen to be - in the midst of prayers and glorifications.

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