Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Story of the Altar

On the 2nd of April 2007, a person who lives in Deir-El-Kamar asked me to go with him to Jezzine to a tile factory.  I accepted his invitation.  I had never been to Jezzine before.  When we reached the tile factory, I noticed the owner of the factory working on a big altar.  I asked him how much such an altar would cost.

He answered, "Honestly father, I didn't calculate the expenses. It's a votive offering and I want to finish it quickly."

We left the factory and headed to another one. On our way, I said loudly, "I wish someone who has a votive offering would present us with an altar for the shrine."

I looked up to the sky and prayed, "Oh Virgin, isn't there anyone who has a votive offering that could present to us an altar?"

We reached the second factory.  My friend bought the goods he needed and then we strolled outside the factory.  The owner looked at me and asked, "And you father, what do you want?"

By coincidence, we were passing by an altar so I asked him how much such an altar would cost.  He answered, "Father, this is a present for you."  I was overwhelmed with joy because the Virgin had answered my prayer.

The altar was delivered on the 17th of April 2007.

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