Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Power of the Eucharist

On the third day, Ahmad worked all day on the project of the shrine and in the evening I asked him if he had ever watched a film about Jesus.  He had not.  I invited him to watch one with me.  So I took him to the big reception room of the parish and there we watched "The Passion of the Christ," a film directed by Mel Gibson.
As we were watching the film, a scene when Jesus was stomping on a snake in the olive grove, drew Ahmad's attention.  He screamed, "Repeat the scene, repeat it.  I want to see it again.”

I replayed the scene and he said, "Those are the sandals I saw in my dream. They were honey-colored and they had a ribbon."  He then understood that the Lord Jesus, Himself, was the one who appeared to him in the dream.  Jesus chose this picture to unveil and reveal Himself to this man.

At the end of the film Ahmad said, "This is the truth and it must be made known to everybody." 
Before leaving the reception room I asked him if he would like to visit the chapel before going to the apartment and he agreed.  I did not tell Ahmad anything about the essence and the essential nature of the chapel or about the Real Presence of the living Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.  I was sure that the Lord present in the sacrament would touch the heart of any pure person who is seeking the truth.  So we entered the chapel and we sat near the tabernacle. After a few minutes, Ahmad surprised me when he took my right hand and he put it on his heart.  His heart was beating very fast.
I asked him: "What's wrong?"

He said, "I've been feeling a great presence since I entered this place, as if someone is putting his hand on my shoulder."

I said, "Pray."

A few minutes later he was trembling and he asked me if I had seen what he saw.  I asked him what he saw and he told me that he would tell me later.  He was troubled and confused.

I said, “Ask whatever you want now and God will respond to you."

We prayed a little longer and then we left the chapel.

On the road, I asked him what he had seen in that place. 

He said, "I saw a bright light coming out of that Box[1], the Tabernacle, and it moved from left to right, then it entered my heart as quickly as a flash of lightning."

I didn't understand why the light had to move from left then to right.  I said, "Do you know where I have just taken you?"

He responded, "No, is it a sacred, holy place?  The moment I entered that place[2], the chapel, I directly felt that the principle of everything is there[3].

At that moment, Ahmad began to speak theologically because two days after that incident, the Pope Benedictus produced Sacramentum Caritatis, which describes the Eucharist as being the peak of everything in Christianity.

I said, "Yes, the principle of everything is present here in the chapel."

I explained to Ahmad the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples and the way He gave us His body and his blood as forgiveness for our sins and for eternal life.  I also explained to him the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

He asked, "Does it mean that Jesus was present?"

I answered, "Yes."

He added, "Oh, my God, many things have been happening to me since I came to Deir-El-Kamar."

I said, "Do not be afraid.  God is revealing Himself to you."

Evening came, and morning followed--the third day.

[1]  The box is the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle contains the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament is Jesus Christ.

[2]  The Chapel
[3] Who is the principle of everything? Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. Ahmad felt the presence of the principle of everything but he understood nothing.

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