Monday, January 19, 2009

The Stones of the Chapel

On the 30th of April 2007, Mr. George Saady and his assistant, Mr. Samir Abou Rjeily started building the chapel from natural stones. Before completing the construction, we ran out of the stones.  We couldn't find even one single stone. So the worker found himself obliged to go far away to bring the right stones.  It was very tiring, so I told him to stop.  He couldn’t continue in such a way.

I phoned the owner of a JCB drill and I asked him to dig in the middle of the square. He dug about two meters in the middle of the square and there found more than five
hundred stones. We were very happy. In this way, we continued building the chapel. On the 5th of July 2007, the construction of the chapel was finally completed.

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